Penang Swimming Club

Penang Swimming Club
© kayes, By permission.

Penang Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah, was a favourite destination of many. It was a private swimming club patronized mainly by RAAF and RAF services personnel, and not open to casual swimmers.

At the club we used to enjoy after hours and weekend swimming, including training and competitive events. There were also picture (movie) nights and dances. The pool was situated over the beach and here we had a venue for more fun! We'd collect pippies, jump from the rocks into the water and fish. We could walk either way along the sand for miles - under the beautiful palms, collecting the lovely cowrie shells which were abundant in those days.




Penang Swimming Club
(Courtesy Jan Eyres)

Photo taken from the viewing area.

Penang Swimming Club

View from the Snake Hut


Penang Swimming Club

The pool emptied for cleaning.

Penang Swimming Club


Erecting the screen for movie night.
Penang Swimming Club1968
Penang Swimming Club
Penang Swimming Club
(Courtesy Jo-Anne Rendle)

Penang Swimming Club
© Kayes, By permission.

View of old entrance from bottom of stairs.


Recent Photos

Shown left is the new entrance to the swimming club.

Below left is the snake hut, used to be one of the shops.

The club is Chinese-owned now and open to members only. Individual membership will cost you RM$60,000.

To see the Penang Swimming Club official website, go here.

Pool stairs

The photograph left is of the top of the stairs where we used to gain access to the pool. Remember the man who used to sit there checking our membership cards as we went in.

Membership Book Cover

Cynthia holding membership book

Inside page of membershp book

Pool Membership Book

Photos to the left are of the old swimming pool membership book.

We visited the pool during our reunion visit to Penang in 2005 and the staff very kindly admitted us to the office and retrieved the long-buried book with our names in. We were more than chuffed!